AppZero v6 Product Update

RealServe IT are a UK/Europe based AppZero partner. 

Yesterday they released v6 of their product. 

In case your not aware of the product it performs cross platform application migrations. 
This aids businesses to move off “Windows XP” and “Sever 2003” onto newer platforms. 

The AppZero solution moves applications that typically will not work on newer platforms. 
Its advanced migration technique moves the application in place without the need for source software or installation instructions. This reduces the complexity and time taken to perform migrations. 

The V6 of the product deliver the following updates

Near-Zero Downtime

AppZero V6 introduces the Tether Sync feature. This feature enables a new migration workflow where you can pre-populate a VAA with the static elements of your applications while the source application is still running, and later apply a maintenance window only to move files and database elements that were locked or being modified during the initial migration. This two-phase approach radically reduces migration downtime windows, often by 90% or more.


We have also added features to optimize the network transmission to speed up migration times:  The new Tether Agent is an optional agent deployed to the source machine which batches and compresses data streams, increasing the speed of data transfer by up to 50% in network-constrained environments.  Tether Cache further increases performance by maintaining an in-memory cache of file and registry data to minimize network operations.


Increased Insight

The AppZero Compatibility Database provides a dashboard view of application discovery, using green, yellow, red to indicate the level of compatibility of your installed applications with AppZero migration tools and with the target OS version, as well indicating which applications require custom migration steps.


The new, automated Migration Readiness Checklist – available through the PACE library and the graphical migration and administration tools –  ensure that technical prerequisites are verified and logged in a pre-migration checklist  report. The integration of migration readiness verification helps ensure the success of each migration.


Enhanced Support for Enterprise Environments

AppZero V6 offers enhanced support for IIS by integrating the IIS components with the PACE library and the graphical migration and administration tools.


With V6, AppZero auto-detects and migrates your application’s DCOM/COM information on the source machine and automatically preserves and restores DCOM/COM libraries on the destination machine so that it is configured to meet the precise needs of the migrated applications.

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